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Enfield Fire District 1 Shares Cold Weather, Ice Safety Tips

Chief Edward N. Richards and Enfield Fire District No. 1 would like to provide cold weather and ice safety tips to residents as temperatures continue to drop.

“We encourage all of our residents to familiarize themselves with the following cold weather and ice safety tips,” Chief Richards said. “Knowing what to do when you are out in the cold or on the ice will go a long way in ensuring your safety and, as always, we urge our residents to remain vigilant while outside in harsh weather conditions.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cold weather induced illnesses such as frostbite can occur even in temperatures above 40°F if a person becomes chilled by rain or sweat, or is submersed in cold water.

Enfield Fire District No. 1 wishes to share the following tips from the CDC to help keep residents safe in cold weather situations and conditions.

For additional information regarding cold weather safety, please visit

Ice and Cold Water Safety

Enfield Fire District No. 1 would also like to remind residents to always be aware of the dangers of thin ice.

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection recommends measuring ice in multiple places before testing it with your weight. Ice that is four inches thick or less should be avoided completely. Four inches or more is considered safe for ice fishing or any other activity on foot, and 5-7 inches of ice is recommended for snowmobiles or ATVs. Residents are reminded that it is illegal to drive a car or truck on the ice in Connecticut.

Tips for remaining safe on the ice include:

What To Do If Someone Falls Through Ice:

Call 911 for help if you or someone nearby has a phone. Resist the urge to run up to the edge of the hole as this would most likely result in two victims in the water.

For additional information on ice safety, visit



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