Chief Edward N. Richards and Enfield Fire District No. 1 would like to provide safety tips surrounding the use and disposal of household chemicals as spring cleaning begins.

Enfield Fire District No. 1 would like to remind residents that while they conduct spring cleaning, they should be mindful that chemicals used in homes can be dangerous to people’s health and the environment.

To keep your family safe, follow the U.S. Fire Administration’s safety tips for when you use and store household chemicals:

  • Always follow the instructions on the label when you use and store household chemicals.
  • Don’t mix products as they can result in deadly gases or cause a fire.
  • Store products in their original containers and make sure to store anything flammable away from your home. Products should also be kept away from children and pets.
  • Use safety locks and guardrails on shelves and cabinets when you store
    materials. This will prevent them from falling or tipping.
  • Wear gloves or goggles when you use chemical materials.
  • Only fill portable gasoline containers outdoors in an airy area. Make sure to
    place the container on the ground when you fill it.
  • Never store materials that can cause a fire in the sun or near an open flame
    or heat source.
  • Try not to breathe in product fumes. When cleaning with chemicals be sure to open a window or door to ventilate the room you are cleaning.
  • Do not mix ammonia with bleach, vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Additionally, do not mix hydrogen peroxide with vinegar.

When disposing of any products, community members should be mindful of the following:

  • Aerosol cans might contain chemicals that can burn. If you put them
    in the trash, they can explode or start a fire.
  • Any oil-soaked rags should be placed with water and detergent in a metal container with a tight lid, such as a paint can, and kept in a cool place away from direct sunlight. The container can be disposed of at a home hazardous waste collection event.
  • If you have a spill, clean the area and put the containers in an airy
    place. If you cannot control the spill, or are unsure about cleanup and
    disposal, call your local fire department.

For more information about spring cleaning safety tips, visit the National Fire Protection Association’s site here.
