Town Council Assigns $1.3 million fee to the Fire Districts, without reduction in Town property taxes

Town Council Assigns $1.3 million fee to the Fire Districts, without reduction in Town property taxes. Your Fire Districts taxes are subject to a major increase. Please contact your Town Council person with any questions or comments.


Taxpayers Approve District Bylaw Change

At a Special District Meeting held on January 9th, 2020 the voters of the Enfield Fire District approved the proposed changes to the District’s bylaws that were presented by the Fire District Commission.  Of note in the approved changes is the provision that allows for all day long voting on special purchases such as real…

Enfield Fire District to Hold Special District Meeting to vote on Proposed Changes to District By-Laws

The Enfield Fire District is pleased to announce that a Special District Meeting will be held for a vote on the proposed changes to the District By-Laws. The changes support multiple requests that were made by the District Taxpayers, including the clarification of types of meetings and to allow for all day voting during Special Meetings. The Proposed…